Select Bibliography

Julie Savarino is a highly rated, internationally known expert and thought leader in business and client development for law firms, lawyers, and other professional services firms. All of her services, advice, coaching and counsel, as well as each book, program, webinar, podcast, app, and other publication she authors or delivers is based on her:

  • Disciplined study of many resources (a selection appears in this PDF), and
  • Over 30 years' experience working with thousands of lawyers, accountants, experts, other professional service providers, and other professional services firms all over the world.

Julie is a continual leaner who regularly reads, studies, researches, and analyzes new information and data. Below are select sources (but not necessarily all) that she relies on, studies, analyzes, cites, and adapts for all her work. On the attached PDF, ** indicates Julie Savarino's recommendations of some of the best reading material on each subject.

Below are select bibliographical sources that the Rainmaker Coach has studied and continues to study and stay abreast of:

Resources on Client Service

** Indicates Julie Savarino's recommendations of the best basic reading material on each subject.

** Discovering the Soul of Service, Leonard Berry, The Free Press, New York, 1999
** Getting Partnering Right, Neil Rackham, Lawrence Friedman & Richard Ruff, McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York, 1996
** On Great Service, Leonard Berry, The Free Press, New York, 1987
** The Loyalty Effect, F.F. Reichheld, Harvard Business School Press, Boston MA, 1996
Delivering Quality Service, Zeithaml, Parasuraman & Berry, Free Press, New York, 1991
Customer Satisfaction Is Worthless: Customer Loyalty if Priceless, Jeffrey Gitomer, Bard Press, Charlotte, NC, 1998
Service Breakthroughs, Heskett, Sasser & Hart, Free Press, New York, 1990
The Service Edge, Zemke & Schaaf, New American Library, New York, 1989
Service, Service, Service, Steve Albrecht, Adams Media, Holbrook MA, 1994
Service Management and Marketing, Christian Gronroos, Lexington Books, Lexington, MA, 1990
Quality Or Else, Dobyns & Crawford-Mason, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, 1991
Total Customer Service: The Ultimate Weapon, Davidow and Uttal, Harper Perennial, New York, 1989
Service America!, Albrecht and Zemke, Warner Books, New York, 1985
The Customer Driven Company, Richard Whiteley, Addison Wesley Publishing & The Forum Corp., Reading, MA, 1989
2001 Survey - ACCA Partnering with Outside Counsel: Assessing Key Elements of the In-house Counsel/Outside Counsel Partnership, in cooperation with Serengeti.
Competitive Positioning: The Theory & The Tools, Burkey Belser and Mark Greene, Greenfield Belser, Law Firm Leaders Forum 2002
The Survey of Client Service Performance for Law Firms; 2001 BTI Consulting,
Inside/Outside: How Businesses Buy Legal Service, Larry Smith, ALM Publishing, Washington D.C., 2001
It's The Client, Stupid: How to Avoid Marketing Malpractice With Large Key Clients, William J. Flannery, Austin, Texas, 1999
"20 Questions You Should Ask Current and Prospective Clients" article, William J. Flannery, Texas Lawyer, Austin, TX, 1991

More resources can be found here at