About Our Team

A Certified Women Owned Business
For almost 30 years, Business Development Inc. has been a certified woman owned business certified woman owned business.
About Julie Savarino
Having helped law firms and other professional firms generate hundreds of millions of dollars in new business Julie Savarino is one of the highest-rated speakers, strategists and client development coaches in the world. Click here to find out more information about Julie Savarino.
About General and In-House Counsel Guest Instructors and Speakers
Many in-house counsel and other major buyers of legal and other outside professional services serve as guest speakers and instructors. Click here for a representative listing of our Guest Instructors and Speakers.
About BD Workforce™
As an outsourced, virtual business development department for law firms and other professional services firm, we have dozens of talented and award-winning professionals who work task by task and project by project to get things done for our clients in a top quality manner.