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There are no new business and/or client development webinars or webcasts more highly-rated than ours! Click here to see What Webinar Attendees Say. Lawyers and firm management from law firms of all sizes and locations attend and rate our webinars "excellent, excellent, excellent". Over 70% of the Am Law 200, over 60% of the largest law firms in Canada, and lawyers and law firm professionals from the United Kingdom, Australia, South Africa and South America have attended our webinars and rate them highly. As one law firm business development director said, "Any law firm that thinks webinars are not valuable or useful has never viewed one of Julie Savarino's webinars."
Best-Kept Secrets the World's Leading Lawyer Rainmakers Don't Want You to Know©
Being held live only on Thursday, May 4, 2017 12 noon to 1 p.m. EDT.
Many of the world's greatest lawyer rainmakers are "naturals," i.e., they are born with a personal style that predisposes them to being successful rainmakers. But thousands of lawyers are now self-made rainmakers. How do they and the "naturals" do it? Attend this not-to-be-missed webinar to hear the top ten practical habits and proven practices of the most productive lawyer rainmakers and what they do to continue successfully building their relationships and books of business. Renowned master rainmaker coach Julie Savarino will lead this webinar, which is based on her over thirty years' experience working with, studying, developing, and helping fuel the success of top lawyers and other professional services rainmakers. Even if you think you already know what the world's best lawyer rainmakers do to develop business, attend this webinar to test your knowledge! Every attendee will learn at least one thing that can and does lead to millions of dollars in new revenues (when implemented over time). Each attendee will also get a free one-year subscription to our highly rated app Rainmaker Coach™ for iPhones® and iPads®.
This webinar will be offered live and publicly only on Thursday, May 4, 2017. After the webinar concludes, the link will not be available or sent to anyone who missed the live webinar, nor will this webinar be available on demand. If you cannot attend the live webinar, consider commissioning a version of it for an upcoming practice group meeting or a lunch and learn. Julie Savarino also provides proven rainmaking coaching services to help interested lawyers implement these proven habits and best practices.
CLE is available for viewing some (but not all) of our webinars. Our company, Business Development Inc. does not apply for CLE, but our webinar platform is CLE compliant. So, depending upon the rules in each jurisdiction(s), if you/your firm would like to apply for CLE after viewing any of our live webinars, you can. For group views, an on-site sign-in sheet is required in most jurisdictions and needs to be filled in and monitored at your viewing location.
Click here to download a sample sign-in sheet for CLE purposes.
By paying to register for any of one of or all of these webinars, you agree to abide by the "one location, one firm, one office, one view" terms of use which are defined as follows: one location, one firm, one office, one view use webinar registration includes one telephone connection, one master set of the copyrighted handout and presentation slides (which can be copied for the number of participants attending this webinar on the date listed above in one listening room), one Internet connection, and an unlimited number of participants all of whom are employed in the same firm, in one office of that same firm, in one listening room. Once you register, you will receive logistics and log-in information by email. All registrations are nonrefundable. So, if you register but are unable to attend the live webinar, you can transfer it within your firm, but if you miss it, there are no refunds. The webinars above are open to the public but Business Development Inc. retains the right to decline any registration at its own discretion. The registration fee for a single use/view, "one location, one firm, one office, one view" for each webinar $299.00 USD, which means one or more people from the same firm can view the webinar in the same room. By registering for any/all webinars, you are agreeing to the terms of use as stated above.
f you wish to register for multiple webinar views for various offices/groups/locations, please email
Other webinars are commissioned privately for individual firms, offices, practice/industry groups and client teams. If you have any questions or would like to commission a custom training program or webinar for your firm, please contact Julie Savarino. To see a list of our On Demand Webinars, please click here.