Webinars On-Demand
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These highly rated webinars on demand were created by the renowned rainmaker coach and master law firm business development strategist Julie Savarino, who also presents during many of these webinars. Click here is a list of the many other webinar topics Julie Savarino has created and delivered.
Pitching & Winning Outside Legal Work:
Master-Level Techniques to Win More RFPs, Proposals & New Business Pitches©
Master rainmaker coach Julie Savarino covers numerous "master-level" strategies and techniques you can use to win more RFPs, proposals and pitches for outside legal services.
How to Get on Desired "Short Lists" for Outside Legal Work
This webinar will cover proven strategies and tactics for getting on the "short list" of desired clients for outside legal services; how to identify and approach prospective target clients in the most effective and ethical ways; how to focus time and efforts; and ways to stay in touch to ensure you are on the short list.
Law Firm Business & Client Development:
How to Make and Use "Sales" Pipelines to Generate New Work for Lawyers & Law Firms©
Some law firms have been able to organize and use effective sales pipelines in the face of the most common internal hurdles, including lack of attorney time, interest or incentives. How do they do it? Attend this webinar presented by Julie Savarino to hear what works to develop and implement an effective sales pipeline that generates measurable new work for your law firm, practice group or practice - and learn ways to overcome common pitfalls and hurdles.
Best of "Best Practices" in New Business and Client Development for Lawyers
Hear from some of the world's leading law firm consultants about the most effective and practical strategies, tools, tips and techniques lawyers and law firms are using and should be using to develop new work and clients in 2017 and beyond. Speakers on this not-to-be-missed webinar include: Jamie Diaferia, Global Chief Executive, Infinite Global - Media and Public Relations; Vanessa Schaefer, President & Creative Director, Clockwork Design Group, Inc. - Branding; and Nancy Myrland, Myrland Marketing & Strategic Social Media - Social Media.
Pricing & Alternative Fee Arrangements (AFAs):
Successfully Pitching Cost Certainty & AFAs©
Three leading in-house counsel speakers from Amway, Convergent Outsourcing, Inc., and Nationwide Insurance discuss details on what in-house counsel want, what they expect, and what works when you are pitching and how you can win new legal work using AFAs and predictable fees and costs. Gain tips and techniques to communicate, pitch and provide cost certainty for outside legal work.
How to Consider, Create & Calculate an "All In" AFA for Litigation©
This webinar features two head in-house litigation counsel speakers from Aon and Current Powered by GE and GE Lighting, each of whom purchases and uses significant amounts of law firm litigation services. Hear what these sophisticated buyers of outside litigation services prefer and look for regarding AFAs, what they are planning regarding future use of AFAs for litigation, and practical tips on how to create and pitch AFAs.
Client Service & Innovation(s):
Mapping Client Service Touchpoints for Law Firms: How to Thrill Clients©
Shep Hyken, a renowned customer and client service expert, is a guest speaker on this webinar. He discusses what client journey mapping is, how to identify key touchpoints and "moments of magic," and other practical and useful information law firms can use to enhance clients' experience.
Upcoming Rainmaker Webinars On Demand!
The titles below will be available soon. To receive an alert, either "like" our Facebook page The Rainmaker Coach or email Assist@BusDevInc.com to be added to our email list.
- The Latest & Greatest "Best Practices" in Providing "Sales" Coaching to Lawyers©
- Successful Business & Client Development Challenges, Games & Contests for Lawyers & Law Firms©
- Best Practices in Pricing Legal Services©
- How to Consider Create & Calculate an "All in" AFA for Litigation©
- Key Ethical Issues re: Business, Client Development and "Sales" for Lawyers©
- How Lawyers Can Optimize Sales Conversations©
- Best Practices in Scoping an Engagement for Litigation Using an AFA©
- Best Practices: Diversity and Gender Issues Facing Law Firms©
- Best Practices in Business & Client Development for New Partners©
- Best Practices in Ways to Save Costs, Generate Revenue and/or Become a Net Profit Center©
* Each webinar is priced for a single "one location, one firm, one office, one view" use, and the rental terms for this are as follows: by paying for any of these on-demand webinars on Vimeo, you agree to abide by the "one location, one firm, one office, one view" use terms of purchase, which include one, optional master set of the copyrighted handout and presentation slides (which can be copied for the number of participants attending this webinar in one listening room), one internet connection, and an unlimited number of participants, all of whom are employed in the same firm, in one office of that same firm, in one listening room. It is unlawful to reuse, post or otherwise distribute the webinar link or materials without first paying the copyright owner and getting written permission. If you would like multi-office, multi-firm and/or multi-view fees, please email Julie@BusDevInc.com. By purchasing a view of one or more of our webinars on demand located on Vimeo, you are agreeing to the terms of use as stated above.
To see a list of our live webinars, please click here.
To see a list of our past webinars, please click here.