Training Programs
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All training and coaching programs and sessions offered by Business Development Inc. are experience-based and are designed around real world, actual situations. Our programs often include real buyers of legal services, such as General Counsel as instructors and yield an average return on investment of 3x the cost.
We invest considerable time tailoring and customizing each program to what actually works to develop business for each firm, each participant and their target clientele. We also work carefully with each individual participant to find what works best for them including their style, preferences, time constraints and other factors unique to their situation. Many programs come with CLE credits in approved jurisdictions.
Our Marquee Programs
To assess quality, please visit What Clients Say - Our marquee programs consist of preparation, personal assessments, skill building sessions, knowledge transfer, individual strategic coaching, follow-up and/or personal plan development.
Perfect Your Pitch for Lawyers™
Perfect Your Pitch - Train the Trainer for Law Firm Marketers/Business Developers™
Mastering The "Sales"/Client Development Process For Lawyers©
Mastering the "Sales" Coaching Process for Law Firm Marketers/Business Developers™ - Train the Trainer, Train the Coach
Trainer, Train the Coach
"Sales", Client Development & Relationship Management - Getting New Business In The Door©
"Sales" Training for Law Firm Marketers©
Chicago 2003; in-house for various firms/bus dev and marketing staff.
Click here for more information
The Next Generation Business Development Forum™
"Professionally Developing Business for Law Firms" - New York, 2004
"Mastering the Sales Process" - Miami, Coconut Grove, 2005
The Marketing Partner Forum™
1994 Chicago, 1995 New York, 1996 San Francisco, 1997 New Orleans, 1998 Scottsdale, 1999 Laguna Nigel, California, 2000 Turnberry Isle, Florida. Sold in 2000, and then served as Co-Chair Curriculum Planning: 2001 Scottsdale and 2002 Naples, Florida.
Effective coaching helps professionals develop and refine their abilities, skills and results and can often make the difference between a win or loss. For additional information on our coaching program or to retain immediate coaching assistance, please see our Immediate Coaching Assistance section.
Other Programs & Modules
Mix and match or retain as-is for day long, half day, or 2-3 hour sessions.
Additional topics/presentation modules are available within our Programs & Speeches section.
1. Skill Specific Programs
- Business Development for New Partners/Shareholders
- Winning the Pitch & Presentation Skills to Get the Work
- Effective Presentation Skills - Mastering Your Speaking Skills
- Effective Use of Proposals to Develop Business - Winning RFPs, Proposals & SOQs
- Successful Networking at Seminars & Industry Events
- Practice Group Leader Client Development Training
- Practice Area/Group and Industry Marketing and Business Development
- Effective Client Teams
- Rainmaking for Women Lawyers
2. Skill Modules - Relationship Development and Management Skills
- Effective Time Management Skills
- Effective Listening
- First Impressions Appearance, Style & Skills
- Successful and Productive Client Entertainment
- Understanding Behavior and Personal Communication Styles
- Successful Communications: Telephone Skills and Correspondence
- Maximizing Results from One-on-One Communications
- Making Introductions and Remembering Names
- How to Initiate a Conversation with a Stranger
- Making the Most of Social Conversations
- Making the Most From All Your Contacts
- Communicating Professional Expertise
- Effective Networking and Working a Room to Your Advantage
- Handling Complaints and Inquiries
- Effective Public Speaking
- Making the Most of Seminars, Speeches and Networking Opportunities
3. Skill Modules - Client Acquisition, Development and Retention Skills
- Ethical Considerations and Rules of Professional Conduct
- Establishing the Mind-Set for Client Development
- Getting Motivated to Develop Business
- Finding Time to Develop Business
- Understanding the Business Development & Client Selection Process
- How to Identify Business Development Opportunities
- Understanding Behavior and Personal Communication Styles
- How Clients Make Buying Decisions
- Establishing & Managing Client Expectations
- Client Service - the Key to Business Development
- Conducting Key Client Reviews & Surveys
- How to Conduct Client Audits
- Uncovering Clients Needs
- How to Conduct Client Needs Analysis Interviews
- Adding Value to Client Relationships
- Introducing Colleagues to Contacts, Clients and Friends
- Developing Business Using Proposals: RFPs and SOQs
- Obtaining Referrals from Clients and Contacts
- Courting Prospective Clients
- Asking for the Engagement
- Asking for Referrals
- Effective Cross Selling
- Conversations About Fees and Retainers
- Case Management & Budgeting Techniques
- Creating a Personal System that Works for You
4. Other Programs for Training Sessions or Retreats
- Trends in Law Firm Business Development
- Difference Between Marketing, Selling and Client Service - Who Does What?
- Taking Marketing and Business Development to the Next Level
- Best Practices & What Works to Develop Business
- "Best Practices" Roundtable
- Benchmarking Your Firm's Marketing and Business Development vs. Competitors
- Overcoming Your Greatest Marketing Challenges